Engineering Consultancy Redefined With Innovation

Our projects & ventures
How we work

Ormus aims at understanding customer needs and reachout -beyond Chile’s frontiers- seeking creative and competitive solutions.

Who we are

Ormus is a trading company, with engineering consultancy capabilities, involved in various high-technology industries, thanks to its unique comercialization skills.

Our Group

In order to secure consistent high-tech, know-how and experience, Ormus has developed a relationship with Exagon Industries Ltd., a European advanced technology company, who the firm represents in Latam. Exagon is a company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales, involved in the biotech, life science, nanotech, applied microelectronics, advanced telecommunications, aerospace and defense industries, with significant expertise on information technologies, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Ormus is currently involved in the following Net Zero business areas:


Offer lithium deposits buyers Exagon’s engineering services for the design, development and operation of a sustainable and exceptionally efficient high-tech AI/ML Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) and Lithium Purification plants


Involved on the intake stage in the development of a Green Hydrogen plant together with a green ammonia plant in a seaport in northern Chile. Project to be defined and projected


Presently developing a nano crystalcellulose and micro crystal cellulose plant from woodlands in Ecuador


Commercialization of over 12,000 hectares (29,600 acres) of lithium deposit at Salar de Maricunga Salt Field, the second best in the world in lithium content (average 1,073 mg/l)


Commercialization of over 12,000 hectares (29,600 acres) of lithium deposit at Salar de Maricunga Salt Field, the second best in the world in lithium content (average 1,073 mg/l)

Design, development and operation of dle

Offer lithium deposits buyers Exagon’s engineering services for the design, development and operation of asustainable and exceptionally efficient high-tech AI/ML Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) and Lithium Purification plants

nanocrystal cellulose and micro crystal cellulose plant

Presently developing a nano crystalcellulose and micro crystal cellulose plant from woodlands in Ecuador


Commercialization of over 12,000 hectares (29,600 acres) of lithium deposit at Salar de Maricunga Salt Field, the second best in the world in lithium content (average 1,073 mg/l)

Design, development and operation of dle

Offer lithium deposits buyers Exagon’s engineering services for the design, development and operation of asustainable and exceptionally efficient high-tech AI/ML Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) and Lithium Purification plants

nanocrystal cellulose and micro crystal cellulose plant

Presently developing a nano crystalcellulose and micro crystal cellulose plant from woodlands in Ecuador

Design, development and operation
Nano and microcrystall cellulose plants
Green hydrogen and ammonia plant
Lithium Commercialization

Lithium Licenses

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High-Tech Lithium Purification Plant

Given Ormus’ lithium deposits’commercialization process, it started working with Exagon on the feasibility ofdeveloping a Direct Lithium Extraction and Lithium Purification Plants.Exagon’s scientific team and Ormus studied the market and concluded that therewas more to the lithium marketplace than the just the EV battery market. Theteam identified nine attractive international markets.

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Cullulose NanoCrystal and Microcrystaline

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Green Hydrogen and Green Ammonia Plant

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Low Energy Nuclear Reaction Generation IV Latam

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Projects & Ventures

Read more about our projects & ventures
Lithium Licenses
In 2020 Ormus was appointed by Sociedad Legal Minera to seek indicative offers for the license tenements of lithium deposits in the Atacama dessert.
High-Tech Lithium Purification Plant
ORMUS joined teams with EXAGON to work the feasibility of Direct Lithium Extraction and Purification plants.
Cellulose Nanocrystal and Mycrocrystalline plant
Transformation of wood into cellulose for large scale technological production of Micro Crystalline Cellulose and Nano Crystalline Cellulose
Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Plant in Atacama
Ormus is studying the design of a Green Hydrogen and Green Ammonia plant in northern Chile
Low Energy Nuclear Reaction in LATAM
Design and development of a highly-scalable AI based application in the construction of nuclear technologies PWR + LENR (Fission/Fusion)